Is the banking sector doing enough in its fight to combat economic crime? Could it do more? Generally, it’s thought that whatever approach the banking sector takes, as long
Fraud is a threat to all merchants. However, some businesses in the card-not-present (CNP) space are more vulnerable to fraud than their brick-and-mortar counterparts. In fact, recent studies show
How the Most Unlikely Culprits May Cost You Digital Revenue The introduction of mobile-enabled eCommerce opened substantial new opportunities for merchants and consumers alike. However, increased mobile access lead
Will Increased App Usage Lead to More Chargebacks? Why? Mobile-savvy consumers love apps. Whether for gaming, social media, or shopping, users appreciate the functionality and degree of personalization offered
Check Out What Trends are Uncovered in this Quarterly eCommerce Report One of the best third-party sources for eCommerce fraud data is the PYMNTS Global Fraud Index™. This quarterly
How Does the Technology Stack Up as Mid-2017 Approaches? More than a year and a half after the EMV liability shift, reports suggest that chip cards are making substantial
Omni-Channel Retail is Now the Norm The days in which retail could be cleanly divided into brick-and-mortar and online channels are now truly a thing of the past. Recent
Examining Consumers’ Preferred Payment Methods by Region Credit and debit cards are ubiquitous in many global markets, but not all. The diversity of alternate payment methods is, in fact,
Where Do Merchants Stand on the Anniversary of the EMV Liability Shift? It’s been more than a year since the EMV liability shift rolled out in the U.S. on
Prime Day Sales Up 60% Over 2015—What Lessons Can Merchants Learn? Amazon returned for a second year with their Prime Day event on Tuesday, July 12. Originally introduced in